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Pintwood Derby at Mountain Tap Brewery


You can sponsor the upcoming Pintwood Derby, all in support of the First Impressions Tuition Assistance program. This event offers a fantastic opportunity for your business to gain exposure and show support for local families. Click here for the Sponsorship packet 



Event Details


Date: October 6th, 2024
Time: 3:00 PM - 5:30 PM (Winners' ceremony will follow, wrapping up by 6:00 PM)
Location: Mountain Tap Brewery



Event Overview: This fun-filled event invites participants to design, build, and race their own wooden cars. All proceeds from the event will benefit the First Impressions Tuition Assistance program, supporting local families with early childhood education costs.

Important Dates:

  • Registration Deadline: September 20th, 2024

  • Kit Pick Up: September 20th at Mountain Tap Brewery

  • Car Inspection Deadline: October 4th, 2024, at Mountain Tap Brewery. After inspection and approval, cars will be kept at Mountain Tap to ensure fair play.


​​​​Entry Fees


- $25+ Kids Heat: Includes car kit. Kiddos are encouraged to raise money to cover entry fee as well as win the prize for most money raised.

- $100 Individual Entry: Includes a car kit and pint of beer

- $250 Team Entry: Includes a car kit, 4 pints of beer, and social media recognition

- $500 Team VIP Entry: Includes a car kit, 4 pints of beer, 2 pizzas + appetizer, and premium social media recognition


Awards and Prizes:

- Heat Winners: 1st place in each heat.

- Championship Winner: Overall fastest car. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place

- Most Creative Car: Judged by a special panel.


Race Day

The event will feature 4 heats, each representing a different entry level. Each heat will have 1st place winners.
Winners from each heat will compete in a Championship race to determine the overall winner. Will have 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners. A Judges' panel will award the most creative car. There will also be a prize for the car that raises the most money through sponsorships.



How to Participate


  1. Register: Sign up by September 20th to secure your spot and receive your car kit.

  2. Pick Up Kit: Pick up your race car kit by September 20th at Mountain Tap Brewery

  3. Build Your Car: Use the car kit provided by Steamboat Scouts to design and build your car.

  4. Inspection: Bring your completed car to Mountain Tap Brewery by October 4th for inspection. If any modifications are needed, you will have time to make changes before the final approval. Once approved, your car will be kept at Mountain Tap to prevent any alterations before the race.

  5. Rules:

  6. Race and Win







Contact Information:
For more information or to register, please contact Pamela Nebel at or 970.875.4227


Thank you to our sponsors!

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